Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Room with a view

A retired man is accused of felling 122 trees in the north of Germany. The 80 year old saw off 66 trees to a height of 4 metres from the ground and felled the other 56 completely. Hard work - and only because he wanted to see the Baltic Sea from his holiday home. The damage is estimated to be 15.000 Euro.


Patty said...

Oh that is terrible! We had a couple of tornados take out a great share of the tree population (about 80% of the trees in our park were destroyed) in our small town. It took me leaving town and getting away from the energy to discover the tears I were shedding was in mourning for the trees that gave up their lives, and in the process protected the people of the town. It will be many years before out tree lined streets at back to normal. So sad.

T. and little D. said...

You are so right! It is sad. For me Christmas has always a bit of a sad note because of all these pretty Christmas trees who are felled. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas and all the kitsch coming with it. And what would Christmas be without the traditional tree? But still it is a bit sad.