Thursday, November 08, 2007

Donating rice for free

It is just the time before Christmas that a lot of people actually become aware of their luck in life and how fortunate they are compared to so many others in the poorer parts of the world. And very often it comes along with generous donating.
By reading other peoples' blogs (to become a bit familiar with blogland) I came along FreeRice. I think this is a really nice idea, well worth posting.

FreeRice is a possibility to donate rice while playing with words - for free. For each word you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated by the advertising companies on this website through the United Nations to help end hunger in the world. 10 grains are obviously not much but by playing regularly a few minutes each day it adds up. And along the way you can improve your vocabulary as well. A great idea- and fun! In 10 min. I donated 600 grains - and was made aware of my wordly limits. Try it yourself!

(little D.)


Patty said...

Not only is this a great way to help others, it is a great way to keep your mind sharp and help stave off dementia. The saying "use it or lose it" is true when it comes to brain cells and memory. And the best medicine to improve memory is NEW leaning.

Thanks for sharing.

Daniele said...

I like it!
Keeps me from working though - I'm easily distracted with things like this. Thanks for sharing :)