Friday, November 02, 2007

Hello world!

Dear visitor, welcome to our blog!

Why have we started a blog? We are not quite sure. Little Dragon wants to share her thoughts and keep track of her life. Tiger wants to share his thoughts as well, but abhors the psycho babble. We are optimistic we will cooperate well in this endeavour.
We hope our friends (who else would want to read this?) will have their say, too. You are invited to post comments in your native tongue, but we limit our answers to English, German and Chinese. Maybe.
We hope you will have as much fun reading our blog as we have writing it.


Daniele said...

Oohh.. I'm so excited! You made it into blogland. Word of warning, this is highly addictive and time consuming. Mark my words. But it's also great fun and I'm looking forward to your entries.

Oh and one more thing.. in order to get comments, you need to post comments too ;-P

Well done for starting the blog, hope you enjoy posting :)

Harald said...

Oh, no! Now hammer'n problem. Etz has Verena a blog un' mier have noch no VHS-körs in englisch laid. We könne doch not im'm englische blog something wride, with our'em wordtrasure, wodds definately zuu schmoal, Ei think. Abber funnisch becomes it alletimes.

T. and little D. said...

Ooohhh! Wie aufregend!

Danke, Dee, für den ersten Kommentar! Jetzt, wo die Hemmschwelle einmal überwunden ist, haben wir uns vorgenommen, etwas aktiver zu werden und auch bei anderen Kommentare zu schreiben. Mal sehen, was die kommende Woche bringt.

Auch Dir, Harald, danken wir für Deinen Kommentar. Wir haben wenig Bedenken hinsichtlich Deiner angeblichen sprachlichen Schwierigkeiten. Extra für Dich werden wir unseren nächsten Post in deutsch verfassen. ;-) Morgen. Das macht ja soo Spaß!!