Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Some news

A lot has happenend since the last post.

T. will leave exciting, beautiful London and our lovely London flat with the nice landlords behind and will move to Oxford in October. We already found a nice flat there. Not as nice as the London one, but a little larger. Oxford will be exciting as well, maybe in a different way.

Little D. is living in Frankfurt since May this year. For work reasons as well. And let's face it: Frankfurt is the loveliest and most urban city in Germany. For some, Berlin might be the choice as their favourite German city. Not for us. Ok, Berlin has the Berliner Philharmoniker with Simon Rattle, also some history and a nice dialect. BUT we have a concert hall, where Simon Rattle and his Philharmoniker will visit (23. Sept., Alte Oper), we have Appelwoi, the most charming dialect (which we actually can speak) and the only skyscrapers worth mentioning in Germany. Applewoi is kind of a local drink in Frankfurt and Hessen, made of apples, kind of a light wine, which you can drink pure, mixed with water or mixed with lemonade. Applewoi with lemonade will out you as non-local. It is not the real stuff. All in all, Frankfurt is our home, even if London is our favourite city. Through all the sad living-apart-for-2-years-thing there is a nice side to being in Frankfurt again. (Not to mention my local bakery, a 2-min-walk away, and Müller buttermilk for breakfast.)

The recession in Germany is over now. We wonder if it might come back after the election of the new government by end of September.

The old fashioned 100-Watt-light bulb was burried today. From now on, Europeans have to buy energy saving light bulbs instead. This seems such exciting news that it was on the news every day for the last week. Seems we don't face any other urgent problems. What is the melting of some Greenland claciers compared to the loss of the 100-Watt- light bulb? Lucky you, if you did some hoarding on 100-Watt-light bulbs as many people did. And many of them told proudly on TV that they bought 100 bulbs in advance to never live without that beautiful warm light. Yes, what does climate change really matter as long as you have this warm light in your house?


Daniele said...

I'm with you on the breakfast!
Thanks again for the lovely weekend :) x

Harald said...

You can also get Äppelwoi mixed with cola, grapefriut-juice or cherry-juice. I never tasted it, but was told, that's passible to survive it :)

T. and little D. said...

It was lovely having you here, Daniele!

Ja, ich gebe zu, dass ich diesen Sommer 'Z plus grape' vom alten Hochstädter entdeckt habe. Das ist Apfelwein mit Grapefruit, aber immerhin aus der Kelterei Höhl. Und soo lecker und erfrischend bei diesen sommerlichen Temperaturen... Aber über einen echten sauer Gespritzten geht doch nichts.

T. and little D. said...

Im übrigen ist am Wochenende hier Stöffchefest! Am Römerberg.